Elle _ Amalfi five-star hotels with sea view

Elle Amalfi five-star hotels with sea view

From Amalfi to Positano the five-star hotels with sea view for www.elle.it

Among those five-star hotels one that we designed, the Grand Hotel Convento di Amalfi: “a monastery converted in a luxury location with two restaurants, wellness center, swimming pool and private chapel.”

For the Grand Hotel Convento (a.k.a. Hotel Convento dei Capuccini) we realized the general architectural project for the building renovation and conversion of use, and the architectural project of interiors of this luxury five-star hotel

Design your Room _ Best Western


Design your Room Best Western

The project Design your Room by Best Western aims to raise the value of its hotels through style and quality, and to make the choice of the ideal hotel even more immediate and clear at every stay.

An opportunity of business, a chance of collaboration tosupport relations between hotel owners and architects.
At this project architects and interior designers, who realize hotel design, are invited to propose a room layout among the three brands of Best Western, Best Western, Best Western Plus and Best Western Premier.

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Tourism Investment Fund

The Tourism Investment Fund by CDP has been recently capitalized with 100 milions Euro to promote the relaunch, development and investments in the italian tourism economy.

We are working in the hotel architecture since 40 years and interior design with more than 3000 realized rooms.
To project an hotel is our business as per restoration, refurbishment, construction or conversion are concerned.

In our opinion the Tourism Investment Fund is a positive news, an important and susbstantial signal for the requalification of the italian building heritage.

The Telegraph Travel _ 50 greatest hotels in Italy

The Telegraph Travel 50 greatest hotels in Italy

In the guide the 50 greatest hotels in Italy, two of hotels for which we worked are listed: Grand Hotel Timeo and Villa Sant’Andrea.

For the Grand Hotel Timeo we realized the building renovation and the general architectural of interiors project; fot the Villa Sant’Andrea we realized the renovation of dependances, restaurant, terrace and park, and the general architectural of interiors project.



Fondo Investimenti Turismo

Il Fondo Investimenti Turismo, nato dalla Cassa Depositi e Prestiti, è stato pochi giorni fa capitalizzato con 100 milioni di Euro per promuovere il rilancio, lo sviluppo e gli investimenti nel mondo alberghiero.

Lavoriamo da più di 40 anni nel settore architettura per hotel, con oltre 3000 camere realizzate, e consideriamo tale operazione positiva per uno dei settori più forti della nostra economia.

Progettare un hotel è una delle attività di cui ci occupiamo sia che si tratti di ristrutturazione, costruzione, ammodernamento o conversione di palazzi storici in alberghi. Ci occupiamo di progettazione architettonica e di interior design, forniamo consulenza alberghiera per albergatori, imprenditori, società di sviluppo turistico immobiliare, compagnie alberghiere, investitori e consulenti, e consulenza tecnica e design per l’ideazione di nuovi format/concept nel settore hotellerie.

Il Fondo Investimenti Turismo rappresenta, secondo noi, un importante segnale per la riqualificazione del patrimonio immobiliare italiano.


DHD _ Grand Hotel Courmayeur Mont Blanc

DHD Grand Hotel Courmayeur Mont Blanc

In the DHD april issue 48, the project of Grand Hotel Courmayeur Mont Blanc.
We were responsible for the interior design realizing 72 rooms that feature comfort and style, expressed through not-sophisticated spaces and optimized interiors, made cozier by local materials such as stone and wood.

That five star hotel emodies the design consistency of our Studio according to which “ every place is unique, every building is based on a story, maybe a dream, conceived to welcome other stories, of people and things”.

“An innovative approach, far form trends and fashions; the final result is a perfect balance between nature and need, between taste and requirement”.

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Hotel Architects Interior Designers

Hotel Architects Interior Designers: a team with great expertise in the architectural and interiors projects for four and luxury five-stars hotels, who likes to pay attention to details and to present accurate technical documents.

Hours of study and work are behind every project to realise spaces that impart emotions, instill well-being and perfectly work.

We work with our heart and soul respecting client requests, budget and building history.

Architetti e interior designers per hotel

Architetti e interior designers per hotel, un team specializzato in progettazione architettonica generale e degli interni. Per hotel 4 e 5 stelle lusso.

Dietro ogni progetto ore di studio e di lavoro.
Amiamo realizzare ambienti che trasmettano emozioni, infondano sensazioni di benessere e funzionino perfettamente. E volti a presentare elaborati accurati e ricchi di ogni dettaglio.

Secondo noi “ogni luogo è un unicum, ogni struttura viene da una storia, forse solo da un sogno. E’ concepita per accogliere altre storie di persone e cose”.

La nostra attività è svolta con il cuore e con l’anima. Si rispettano le richieste del committente, il budget e la storia dell’immobile.